
Processed with VSCOcam with e4 presetMy Yoga teacher has been talking a lot about Sankalpas lately. She explains Sankalpa simply as a one word the encompasses your intention or direction for the next period of time, whether it be 6 months, 18 months, or longer. It is similar to a resolution but simplified and meant to be more encompassing.

As I’ve pondered my goals and resolutions, I landed on the word Finish. Finishing is hard for me when it comes to my personal life. I’m great at beginnings, I adore planning things, but actually finishing a project can be a struggle. I put so much effort into initiating ideas that I simply run out of steam before the product comes to fruition.I can blame my ADD, my busy-ness, so many things, but it really comes down to the fact that I do not put the discipline into finishing.

The interesting disconnect is that I am excellent at finishing work-related projects. If it is for my job, I can hustle through until the end. I give it my all and love to complete everything in a timely & excellent fashion. I find this important because it shows that I can finish projects.

So this year, 2016, my Sankalpa is Finish. Not finish strong, or well, or perfect, but just to get to the end. To complete the goals I have for myself & wrap up my just for fun projects.

In the last several posts we have already heard my goals for the year, so now I’m wondering, what is yours? What would you like your Sankalpa to be?

Love love,


2 thoughts on “Finish

  1. Rose says:

    I love that! Sometimes my need for “perfection” makes me not finish things if I can’t get it “just right” – so focusing on finishing… that is an EXCELLENT idea. Best of luck sweetie.


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